1.Firstly, create a new folder and make sure that the options 'show hidden files' is checked and ‘hide extensions for known file types’ is unchecked.Basically whats needed is to see hidden files and see the extension of all your files on your pc. 2.Paste a copy of your server on the new created folder. let's say it's called server.exe (that's why you need the extension of files showing,cause you need to see how to change it) 3.Now you’re going to rename this server.exe to whatever you want,let’s say for example picture.jpeg 4.Windows is going to warn you if you really want to change this extension from exe to jpeg, click "YES". 5.Now create a shortcut of this picture.jpeg in the same folder. 6.Now that you have a shortcut,rename it to whatever you want, for example,Anirudh.jpeg. 7.Go to properties (on file Anirudh.jpeg) and now you need to make some changes over there. 8.First of all delete all the text on field START IN and leave it empty. ...