title net send
colour f4
set /p n=user:
set /p m=message:
net send %n%%m%
pause >nul
goto top
Copy the above code in Notepad then save it as Messenger.bat & open it
this will open a dos window asking you the user just write the name or
ip address of any computer on network & press enter then it asks u
message type anything & have fun chatting!
title net send
colour f4
set /p n=user:
set /p m=message:
net send %n%%m%
pause >nul
goto top
Copy the above code in Notepad then save it as Messenger.bat & open it
this will open a dos window asking you the user just write the name or
ip address of any computer on network & press enter then it asks u
message type anything & have fun chatting!