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ipMany of my friends were asking me about the iPhone here is a brief
review of this marvalleous device what we call "The iPhone"
The iPhone was, of course, Apple's first foray into the huge &
extremely competitive cell phone market. Here is What Steve Jobs said
at the announcement of iPhone "Today we are introducing three
revolutionary products of this class. The first one is widescreen iPod
widescreen iPod with touch controls, the second is a revolutionary
mobile phone & the third is a break-through Internet communication
device... These are not three separate devices, this is one device &
we are calling it - iPhone. Today Apple is going to reinvent the
Fans of Apple have been crazy about iPhone the web was full with fan
made iPhone designs. Apple has a great culture of secrecy about
anything they do. Therefore, even the slightest hint of patent filings
or leaks draws a lot of media attention.
The shock came when Cisco released there new range of VoIP phones in
December, 2006 that were branded "iPhones." They had the trademark
reserved since more than five years. Apple fans & blogs all around the
world were effectively shut up when they realised that even if Apple
did release a phone, it wasn't going to be branded an iPhone.
Some alternative names were suggested by people all over web such as
iFone, MacMobile, TelePod, iMobile, PodPhone, iChat Mobile or even
However, Apple has a history of choosing controversial names & getting
away with them. The name Macintosh was similar to the name of a
product of a music company, McIntosh. The Apple name itself has cost
Apple a lot of money over the years because it is the name of the
record company of The Beatles, Apple Corp.
Ok Ok enough of history
All said & done, what matters most is that the phone was launched & it
is a wonderful product.
The dimensions are 115x61x11.6 mm or 4.5x2.4x0.46 inches & weighs in
at 135 grams. The front is almost entirely occupied by the huge
screen, with a tiny speaker above it. It does not flip, slide, or
swivel. There is


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Rather than clicking on the task bar and then safely removing the pendrive you can eaily do so creating a shortcut: The Steps are:- 1)Create shortcut on your desktop by right click and selecting new shortcut from the menu. 2)Type "RunDll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL hotplug.dll" click next and then finish. shortcut is created and now you can assign a shortcut key to it. just right click on it and select properties-> Click on Shortcut Tab -> Assign a Shortcut key to it(it will take Ctrl+Alt by default)eg: if you press 1 shortcut will be Ctrl+Alt+1.

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Easily Join / Merge Rotate Two or more video files without encoding or convert videos using ffmpeg in Windows (Or any other OS Mac OS, Linux) for free.

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