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Change Drive Letters in Windows XP

When you add drives to your computer, such as an extra hard drive, a CD drive, or a storage device that corresponds to a drive, Windows automatically assigns letters to the drives. However, this assignment might not suit your system; for example, you might have mapped a network drive to the same letter that Windows assigns to a new drive. When you want to change drive letters, follow these steps: · Right-click My Computer, and then click Manage. · Under Computer Management, click Disk Management. In the right pane, you'll see your drives listed. CD-ROM drives are listed at the bottom of the pane. · Right-click the drive or device you want to change, and then click Change Drive Letter and Paths. · Click Change, click Assign the following drive letter, click the drive letter you want to assign, and then click OK. Do Not Highlight Newly Installed Programs Tired of that annoying little window that pops up to tell you that new software is installed? If it gets in...


How to uncap? "Uncapping" refers to the concept of somehow lifting the bandwidth cap many cable modem service providers (MSO's) impose. Some users want to do this in order to improve the speed of their cable modem (CM), but this is obviously theft of service and may have seriously unpleasant consequences. This article is my attempt at giving a snapshot of the world of uncapping DOCSIS 1.0 CM's as it looks in early 2002. I strongly discourage users from stealing bandwidth. At the same time I strongly recommend the MSO's and cable modem vendors to proactively and constantly improve security. The Myths FUCKUPC - "There once was a hack for the Lancity cable modems. A disgruntled client of Chello Netherlands created a program to remove the upstream limitation. Instead of 16Kb/s he had over 300Kb/s upstream. The hack doesn't work anymore." says a well known user as a comment in the Q&A section here on Cable-Modems.Org. According to other sources...


The W95.MTX virus is a particularly nasty virus that wreaks havoc on a system. Its generally contracted by opening an attachment with one of the following names: I_wanna_see_you.txt.pif Matrix_screen_saver.scr Love_letter_for_you.txt.pif New_playboy_screen_saver.scr Bill_gates_piece.jpg.pif Tiazinha.jpg.pif Feiticeira_nua.jpg.pif Geocities_free_sites.txt.pif New_napster_site.txt.pif Metallica_song.mp3.pif Anti_cih.exe Internet_security_forum.doc.pif Alanis_screen_saver.scr Reader_digest_letter.txt.pif Win_$100_now.doc.pif Is_linux_good_enough!.txt.pif Qi_test.exe Avp_updates.exe Seicho_no_ie.exe You_are_fat!.txt.pif Free_xxx_sites.txt.pif I_am_sorry.doc.pif Me_nude.avi.pif Sorry_about_yesterday.doc.pif Protect_your_credit.html.pif Jimi_hendrix.mp3.pif Hanson.scr F___ing_with_dogs.scr Matrix_2_is_out.scr Zipped_files.exe Blink_182.mp3.pif Most of these files are .pif files or Program Information Files that are used by Windows to run DOS programs. Since ...


Windows XP has a hidden sound track which plays as background music during Windows XP installation process, but most people can’t hear this music because they have a sound card that does not have drivers preinstalled on XP . There are 2 ways by which you can find this hidden sound track: 1.Go to start->search.Search for title.wma .But remember to include hidden files and folders in your search. 2.Navigate to C:\Windows\system32\oobe\images, go to Tools > Folder Options > View, check Show Hidden Files and Folders options and then uncheck Hide Protected Operating System Files. You will now notice a file called title.wma, that is the hidden sound track. This screenshot will help you out. Hidden Sound track in Windows Xp - The Ethical Hacking


run -> msconfig - Hit Enter Whenever you start your computer, you are faced with a few moments of thumb twiddling while Windows XP boots and prompts you to log on. Although you should expect to wait for a few moments, sometimes Windows XP seems to boot rather slowly. In fact, you may notice that over a period of time the PC that used to roar to life seems a bit sluggish instead. Fortunately, you can perform several techniques that help Windows XP get the bootup speed you want. This Article explores how to put these techniques to work. Stopping Unneeded Startup Services ! Along with the core operating system and programs that Windows XP runs when it starts, there is also a host of services involved. Many of these services are necessary for Windows XP to operate correctly. However, many of them are for features in Windows XP that you may not use at all. You can peruse the services and disable any service that you do not want to run. The fewer services that run, the more quickl...


Before proceeding please note that you may feel mouse a little slower but in games it will improve your aiming. To do this copy the following code in a notepad. & save it with .reg extention. & double click on icon. Then press Yes & restart. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Mouse] "SmoothMouseXCurve"=hex:00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,a0,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,40,\ 01,00,00,00,00,00,00,80,02,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,05,00,00,00,00,00 "SmoothMouseYCurve"=hex:00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,66,a6,02,00,00,00,00,00,cd,4c,\ 05,00,00,00,00,00,a0,99,0a,00,00,00,00,00,38,33,15,00,00,00,00,00 & to revert it back copy this code with same procedure but i am sure you won' require it. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Mouse] "SmoothMouseXCurve"=hex:00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,15,6e,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,40,\ 01,00,00,00,00,00,29,dc,03,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,28,00,00,00,00,00 "Sm...


All you need is WinRAR INSTALLED ON Windows XP. Gather all your files Now add those files in a RAR Archiuve For example Secret.rar Now copy the RaR file to a folder. For Example : C:/hidden/ Now copy any image which is in JPEG format to the same folder above. For Example logo.jpg Now Open MS-DOS Start > Run type "cmd" without quotes. In Dod window something like this should be written "Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600] (C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp. C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>" to change it to C:/Hidden/ type "cd\" without quotes. then type "cd hidden" without quotes. then type this COPY /b logo.jpg + secret.rar output.jpg Now you will see a output.jpg in that "C:\Hidden\" folder. Now only winrar can open it.


Here are some of the best E-Books for free Download:- 1.Some Tricks on RapidShare Hacking:- ( ) 2.Books on Compilers:- ( ) 3.Books on Computer Algorithms:- ( ) 4.Books on XP Tips and Tricks ( Very Nice book For Hackers):- ( ) 5.Books on Computer Graphics:- ( ) 6.Book On C programming:- ( ) 7.Very Good Book For C++ written be creator of C++:- ( ) 8.Going Beyond The Subject Here are All Books Of Harry Potter:- ( ) 9.Hindi Jokes Part -I:- (


Try creating The Folders With These Names:- Con, nul, Aux, Lpt1, Lpt2, Lpt3, Lpt4, Lpt5, Lpt6, Lpt7, Lpt8, Lpt9, PRN, CLOCK$, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4,COM5, COM6, COM6, COM7, COM8, COM9,. THESE ARE THE NAMES OF PORTS USED BY WINDOWS THEREFORE YOU CANNOT NAME A FOLDER WITH THESE NAMES.


Follow These Steps:- 1.Start Open Windows explorer. 2.Right Click on the folder icon you want to hide & rename is. (Alt + 0160) or (Alt + 255). (Note Your Numlock must be On & you should type numbers using numeric keypad on right side of keyboard) 3.Right click on the folder icon select Properties & then click Customize Tab. 4.Then click on change icon button. 5.There you find blank icons. And select one. 6.Select OK. Your folder should disappear now. (Note:- When you refresh you will see a flickering image of the icon so place this folder in a group of folders.) Happy Hiding

Hacking from User to administrator mode

Refer to the other articles on this wiki for the same topic as windows seems to have fixed this bug.. still u can browse for educational purpose u know why is it a "user" account because it lacks come service layer than that in "administrator" account Using simple command line tools on a machine running Windows XP we will obtain system level privileges, and run the entire explorer process (Desktop), and all processes that run from it have system privileges. The system run level is higher than administrator, and has full control of the operating system and it’s kernel. On many machines this can be exploited even with the guest account. At the time I’m publishing this, I have been unable to find any other mention of people running an entire desktop as system, although I have seen some articles regarding the SYSTEM command prompt. Local privilege escalation is useful on any system that a hacker may compromise; the system account allows for several other things ...

How to Install Internet Explorer 7.0 Bypassing Genuine Advantage

How to Install Internet Explorer 7.0 Bypassing Gen Internet Explorer 7.0 is the long awaited tabbed web browser by Microsoft. Nearly four years after the release of Internet Explorer 6.0, in the face of growing competition from Mozilla's Firefox, Microsoft has finally given the old IE platform a facelift. Optimized design along with new cool interface, favorites centre, search box, RSS feeds and most importantly easy to use tabbed browsing are the exclusive features of this new internet explorer. You must have Windows XP Service Pack-2 (SP2) in order to install Internet Explorer 7.0. But still you will face a problem while installing this new Internet Explorer if your copy of Windows XP is not a genuine (non-pirated) one, since IE 7.0 installation requires genuine windows validation!!! So what to do??? Don’t worry… There are some tricky steps through which you can install IE 7.0 even in your pirated copy of windows XP bypassing the genuine windows validation. You just have to fo...


If you've got many Gmail accounts & don't want to keep logging on & off them everytime you want switch, a simple command line parameter in Google Ta lk shortcut can solve your problem. First, create one copy of the Google Talk shortcut on your desktop leave the orignal intact (untouched). Right-Click on this shortcut & select properties. The Target text box will show you the EXE for Google Talk--something like this "C:\Program Files\Google\Google Talk\Googletalk.exe" change his to "C:\Program Files\Google\Google Talk\Googletalk.exe" /nomutex & click OK. You now be able to run multiple instances of Google Talk with different ID's each.


Finally The same trick for Windows XP home users & even professional users can also use this trick. Open Registry Editor by typing "regedit" in Start > Run. Goto HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion=\Policies\Explorer\ Create a new DWORD value & name it "NoDrives". All drives will be visible as long as this value's data is set to 0. Set value NoDrive according to following list: Drive Value A: 1 B: 2 C: 4 D: 8 E: 16 so..on Z: 33554432 All drives 67108863 From the above list choose the drive value you want & write the Value in the DWORD we created above in following format. For example to hide A: & D:, NoDrives value should be 1 = 8 = 9.


Open Group Policy Editor which is not avaliable in Windows XP Home Edition. For XP Home Users stay tuned I will give it very soon. For XP Professional users Goto Start > Run & type "gpedit.msc" & press [Enter] In Group Policy Editor Go to User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Explore. Here, you'll find "Hide these specified drives from My Computer" & "Prevent access to drives from My Computer". The difference between two settings is that "Prevent access" will allow the user to see the drive icon, but will give an error message when he tries access it. "Hide" will remove the icon so that user won't see it, but the drive can still be accessed by using Start > Run and keying in the drive letter. Under this setting, after you click the radio button next to "Enable", you'll see several options. Choose the one you want to apply, for example, Restrict A an...


Parents or Big Brothers might want to limit their children's or small brother's or sister's computer usage, so they can set a time limit only between they will be automatically allowed to log into their Windows account. Limited usage for particular users for certain time periods can be set through commands. The command for doing this is: net user <Username> /time:<Parameters> For example, "net user Akash /time:M-F,08:00-17:00" this will let only let the user Akash log in between 8 and 5 from Monday to Friday.

Simply Rename Recycle Bin

Open Registry Editor by going to Start > Run & type "regedit" & press [Enter]. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USE\Software\Mcrosoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache & chane the value of @C:\WINDOWS\system32\shell32.dll,8964 to whatever you like. Restart & See the changes.


If some day your XP refuses to run or strat up properly or the OS choice doesn't appear you don't always need to format & re-install XP. I suggest you do a dry run of Windows Recovery Console. To do this all you need is your bootable Windows 2000 / XP CD. When you insert the cd & select CD-ROM & set your first boot device to CD-ROM & boot using your Windows boot CD. Next, choose the repair or recovery option bu pressing [R]. If you have more than one installation of Windows, they will appear in choices menu, so be awareof where the copy of windows you wish to repair is installed. You need to enter Administrator password in order to "log on" to the windows installation. You will then see a command prompt window that says "X:\WINDOWS", where X is the partion of operating system. Now one by one type fixboot<drive letter> bootcnf /rebuild chkdsk x (where X is the partion letter) now try to to start the computer if it still ...


Few people know that Volume Control has a hidden, compact looking profile. You can create a shortcut with the location "sndvol32 /s" or by pressing [Ctrl + [S] with the Windows Volume control running. Press [Ctrl] + [S] again to revert to the orignal size. to open minimum volume control with only single slider, you create a shortcut & typing in location "sndvol /t"

Cut your mobile bill by Rs. 900 now!

m Akash Yadav, M, 18 Akash Yadav  can send Free SMS worth Rs. 900 per month as a You Mint member. Akash Yadav wants you to join and save Rs. 900 too! Join before October 25, 2007 and win an i-Pod! Send SMSs worth Rs 900 a month! Get paid to invite friends and receive Ads! Get Wallpapers & Pic Msgs at no cost! Karan Bummi 23, Male New Delhi ...

Beware Sony"NS-11"!!!

The Sony NS-11 is not a orignal MP3 player beware befor buying it. It shows (256 MB) capacity but it decreases on first format to (120 MB) & lost space cannot be recovered simply because it does not have that much space. This player is avaliable all over Indian markets. I recommend you please check if you are not buying this player.


:Top cls title net send colour f4 set /p n=user: set /p m=message: net send %n%%m% pause >nul goto top Copy the above code in Notepad then save it as Messenger.bat & open it this will open a dos window asking you the user just write the name or ip address of any computer on network & press enter then it asks u message type anything & have fun chatting!

Faster Booting Windows

One of the main causes of XP booting slowly is is the method of loading drivers. Windows versions prior to XP loaded sequentially (one by one), but since XP, it has been done concurrently (at the same time), causing a slow-down. This information is written to file C:\WINDOWS\Prefetch\Layout.ini. While creating this file, XP does a partial defragmentation of files listed in Layout.ini to make them available in one contiguous area of hard drive, allowing them to load faster. Windows Regular Defragmenter cannot defragment this File for this you need a manual defragment utility from Microsoft called BootVis, available at ( ). Extract the ZIP file & run BootVis.exe(after defragmenting your hard disk). In BootVis Go to File . New . Next Boot + Drivers Trace. It will prompt you for repetitions (reboots & trace). Let it go with defaults. After reboot, BootVis starts automatically & provides various reports. Also with ind...


Yeah! you must have read in heard or read that the clock of your CPU can be changed. For example My Pentium-IV Processor runs at 1.8 Ghz default but I run it at a 2.6 Ghz whenever I need & sometimes to a wooping 3.5 Ghz. To change the clock speed first you need to open your BIOS which can be accesed by pressing "Delete" key in your keyboard immediately after pressing the power button. Note:- Some times system administraters just add a password to BIOS. If it asks for password you need to hack it by opening your cabinet & look for a cell battery on your motherboard just remove it & start your pc again. Note:- Ifyou have Orignal Intel Motherboard that is it displays Intel Inside Logo when booting up then this hack is not for you Intel already disables it. OK! all done just access the BIOS & look for a option called "CPU Clock". Now all you need is to increase the number slowly & save settings & start pc it the system is stable ...


Yes, you can overclock mice. Depending on the mouse, it'll either drastically improve performance, or not have any effect.Not pople with Razor mouse or Logitech MX518 do not need to do this as they are already using high quality mouse. This Hack will improve the mouse refresh rate of a normal mouse which is at 125 Hz to a wooping 1000 Hz. Here are Steps to do this Trick:- Step 1. First check the existing mouse rate using the software calles Mouse Rate Checker from ( ). Step 2. Start Mouse Rate Checker & move the mouse around randomly within te window. The polling rate is shown. Step 3. Download a software called USB Mouserate Switcher from ( ). After running it, it will prompt you to switch polling rate to 250 Hz (If your previous rate was 125Hz). Step 4. Select Yes, then reboot your pc for settings to be applied. Step 5. Afer a restart again launch Mouse Rate Checker & repeat "Step 2" now you will see th...


A well-known problem with XP is the acceleration bug, wherein mouse accleration cannot be disabled. Those used to Windows 98's sensitivity would have noticed it while migrating to Windows XP. The only way to fix it is to use a Registry Key that disables it. You just download the fix from ( ) it's a WinRAR file, & just extract it to a suitable location. Then double-click on the file, it will prompt you a message "Do you want to add the Registry Entry" just click it & restart.


Here is a good news for all people in India who are dying to get there hands on shining new iPHONE. This excellent product has arrived in India although not leaglly but still it is available in craked version so that you can use any service provider. Its available in Gaffar Market Karol Bagh for Rs. 30,000 although higher than its actual price but for people who cannot wait & have money to spare its a golden chance. I dont have that much money therefore wait till it leaglly releases in India.

Some New Tips & Tricks For Windows XP

Turn Your PC on in 10 seconds Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControllerSet\Control\ContentIndex\ Find Key called "Startup Delay" Double Click on it In Base click Decimal Default Value is 480000 (75300: Hexadecimal) Change it to "40000" Speed Up Shutdown Goto HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControllerSet\Control\ Find Key "WaitToKillServiceTimeOut" Change its value to lower than 2000 (mine is set to 200) Instant Shutdown Here is a trick for almost instant Shutdown Just open Task Manager (Ctrl+Alt+Delete) & in the that press (Alt+U) a drop down menu appears & press (Ctrl) & without releasing it Click Shut Down & count 5....4....3....2....1! & Voila! Its off Another Trick For Faster Shut Down is to remove the Shutdown Sound of XP by going to Start --> Control Panel (in XP style start menu) & Start --> Settings --> Control Panel (if u have 98 style start menu) In Control Panel Double Click...


Have you ever tried to access Orkut from mobile. If yes then you must know that the login screen dosen't appear on opening ( ) Ok Ok here a neat trick on How to access orkut from mobile? Simple just go to the following link ( ) & on ur mobile & Voila! There's a login screen & just login & you can access all google services.

Akash Y has added you as a friend on YouMint.

Akash Y, M, 18 Akash Y  has added you as a friend on You Mint Join before September 17, 2007 and win a free i-Pod or Rs. 500 cash! Send FREE SMSs worth Rs 300 a month! Get paid to invite friends and receive Ads! Make Wallpapers & Screensavers! Tarun Gupta 21, Male New Delhi ...