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Showing posts from April, 2009

Useful Keyboard Shortcuts

Getting used to using your keyboard exclusively and leaving your mouse behind will make you much more efficient at performing any task on any Windows system. I use the following keyboard shortcuts every day: Windows key + R = Run menu This is usually followed by: cmd = Command Prompt iexplore + "web address" = Internet Explorer compmgmt.msc = Computer Management dhcpmgmt.msc = DHCP Management dnsmgmt.msc = DNS Management services.msc = Services eventvwr = Event Viewer dsa.msc = Active Directory Users and Computers dssite.msc = Active Directory Sites and Services Windows key + E = Explorer ALT + Tab = Switch between windows ALT, Space, X = Maximize window CTRL + Shift + Esc = Task Manager Windows key + Break = System properties Windows key + F = Search Windows key + D = Hide/Display all windows CTRL + C = copy CTRL + X = cut CTRL + V = paste Also don't forget about the "Right-click" key next to the right Windows key on your keybo...

Get Beep When Caps Lock Key is ON

Don't you hate it when you accidentally hit the Caps Lock key? sometimes u realise ur mistake after u have typed a whole sentence (it makes u type whole sentence again ) SO HERE IS A TRICK THAT INFORMS U THAT CAPSLOCK KEY IS ON it will alert you when your finger taps the Caps Lock key? With this tip, I'll show you how to make your computer beep & flash the next time it happens. The first thing you need to do is get the computer to beep when you hit the Caps Lock key. Here's how: 1. Click the Start button, Settings, Control Panel (XP Users, hit the Start button, Control Panel). Open the Accessibility Options Icon. 2. On the Keyboard tab, click the "Use Toggle Keys" checkbox. That's it for the beeping part. (OK ) Next, we need to get your screen to flash you, err, flash at you. HOW TO DO THIS 1. From the Accessibility Options screen, click the Sound tab and check the "Use SoundSentry" checkbox. 2. Next click the Settings butto...

Mouse Wheel Tricks

Mouse wheel tricks If you have a mouse with a scroll wheel on it, you can do some cool tricks....... 1.Shift & Spin Ever wonder what happens when you hold down the Shift key on a web page and spin the wheel on your wheel mouse? Explorer goes either back or forward, depending on which direction you spin. Give it a try. Open up Internet Explorer(or any other browser) and follow a few links. Then, hold down your SHIFT key and spin that wheel. 2.CTRL & Spin If you are in a web browser (Explorer or Netscape or Firefox) , hold down your Ctrl key and spin the wheel. It makes the text larger or smaller depending on which way you spin. For Opera users, it magnifies both the images and the text.

Browse Internet Without Browser

Now access internet via your standard Microsoft Calculator Steps: 1. Open your MS Calculator. This is normally found in Start => All Programs => Accessories => Calculator. 2. Open the help-window by pressing the F1 key. 3. Click the top-left corner icon of the help window once (Standard is a Document with a Questionmark). 4. Select 'Jump to URL'. 5. Type your address into the avaliable field, but remember to type


Downloading FREE from RAPIDSHARE IS often a headache due to the time delay for FREE downloaders!!! HERE IS A SOLUTION TO THAT PROBLEM >>> Click a Download link for Rapidshare ! >>> Click the Free button on Rapidshare Page ! >>> Now as usual the timer starts !!! >>> Now, go to the address box of your browser. (Where you type the websites !) >> In the address box type: javascript:alert(c=0) >> Click OK on the alert box that arises UR Problem IS Solved.


You can Notice that the address bar contains the URL of the format etc. Now, all you have to do is, 1.change the “http://” in your browser’s address bar to “https://”, which means the URL will now look like etc. 2.Press Enter. 3.Gmail loads faster


Password resetting consists of 5 simple steps. 1. First reboot Windows XP in safe mode by re-starting the computer and pressing F8 repeatedly as the computer boots up. If you missed the right moment, you will need to repeat the attempt. 2. Then (in safe mode) click Start and then click Run. In the open box type the words exactly as following (without quotes) - control userpasswords2. 3. You will now get a pop-up window with full access to all the user accounts, including the administrators account. From here, you will be able to reset the lost or forgotten password. 4. Just click the administrators’ user account, and then click Reset Password. 5. At this moment, you will have to add a new password in the New password field, and the Confirm new password as well. Confirm the new chosen password by clicking OK.

Open DNS

DHave you encountered some sites not opening in your broadband although the connection works fine with other sites also sometimes your connection refuses to work even though signal is coming. Mostly MTNL Triband & BSNL faces this problem. This because of the fact that their DNS Servers are facing downtime. DNS is used to convert the URL entered by you into the machine understandable form. Once the site address is resolved the work DNS is over. But due to downtime DNS is not able to resolve the address due to which your browser is not able to open the website even when the Internet connection is working. To solve this issue there is a simple solution of using a third-party DNS server. The best third party DNS is OpenDNS it is free service anyone can use their DNS with any Internet connection. Its also free. To use OpenDNS you do not need to install any software all you need is just open your Internet Properties from My Network Places on desktop Then open Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)...


Google Chrome, the search giant's first ever web browser, was released to great fanfare on Tuesday, amid talk that it could one day pass Internet Explorer as the world's most popular browser. The version released for free download is only at the beta - testing - stage, but users and critics have been quick to pass early judgment. The consensus? Google Chrome is attractive, fast and has some impressive new features, but may not - yet - be a threat to its Microsoft rival. Here is a selection of reviews from some of the most respected technology blogs and writers on the web. Click on the links to read the full reviews, or post your first impressions of Google Chrome in the box at the bottom of the story. All in all, Google Chrome, after just a little time using it, is superb. It’s not only fast, but it’s useful. It’s not only elegant, but it understands what you really want to do with a browser. And although it suffers from some setbacks that shouldn’t be overlooked, it’s sti...


I've been playing with IE8 beta 1, and I've got some thoughts ... In terms of user visible HTML rendering features, I think IE 8 beta 1 is possibly the biggest release of IE in nearly 11 years since April 1997 when IE 4.0 alpha 1 was released. The history shows mostly bug fixes, and chrome changes since then. Maybe transparent PNG or Bidi text are bigger than Activities? It looks like that's going to be the feature that most people talk about, so I'm going to talk about some of the other stuff. There are 3 big things I'm interested in, and a few smaller features: 6 Connection Limit I've been testing the new 6 connection limit. It works perfectly in my testing, Without any cookie or hacks, DWR can do reverse ajax using comet to more than 2 browser windows: DOM Storage IE is way behind everyone else in implementing HTML5 features. So this is catching up to everyone else. It will be interesting to hear from the Dojo guys on this. // sessionSt...