A vulnerability of Gmail Found First you need a Gmail account & another account of any service provider except Gmail. We would be calling Gmail as 1st account & other account as 2nd account. Now login into your 1st account on the left side there is a box for inviting friends to Join Gmail. In that box enter the email address of your 2nd account & name of your friend whose email you want to hack. Click on send invite button. Now logout from your 1st account & login to your 2nd account there will be an Email from your 1st account inviting you to join Gmail. Open the mail & copy the subject line & main body of the email into any word processor like WordPad or MS Word. Now again login back to your 1st account. Compose a new mail. Type the email address of your friend whose name you entered in the invite. Now copy & paste the subject & body of email to this email. Send him this invite. Wait for him to sign up for Gmail until & unless he is technically ...
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