In every Blogger powered blogs, there is always a top Navigation bar that is mostly useless to most users & blogger alike. It looks something like this
I will show you a way to hide the navigation war through a CSS tweak. It is a very simple trick that will not mess up with your existing layout or custom theme.
Carefully follow the following steps:-
I will show you a way to hide the navigation war through a CSS tweak. It is a very simple trick that will not mess up with your existing layout or custom theme.
Carefully follow the following steps:-
- Go to
- On the Blogger Dashboard, click on the Layout link of the blog that you want to disable its NavBar. You can also click Customize on NavBar while visiting your blog.
- Under the Layout tab, click on Edit HTML tab to view the template’s HTML code.
- Search for the following line of code:
- Before the line, add in the following line of code:
#navbar { display: none; }
#navbar-iframe { display: none !important; }
- Click on SAVE TEMPLATE to make the change effective.